Stencreasey Shredbrid fueler
Mobius Trasher - 2023
StenCreasey ShredBrid Fueler 2029
In 2023, Mobius Creasey took an industrial strength shredder and modified it to handle trash. The Mobius trasher was a huge success. It eliminated not only massive landfills but also the inevitable 5 o’clock wake up call from your friendly neighborhood garbage man. The device ground the trash up with large metal teeth then incinerate the remains creating nothing but a huge bucket of ash, that people took to using as kitty litter. The take over of this machine swiftly unemployed thousands of garbage men.
This at first seemed like a good thing no more garbage. However, everyone had to eventually deal with the ash. Some took to throwing the buckets of dust into alleys and ditches others dug large holes in their backyard or took to flushing it down thier toilets. Over the course of a year and 4 months and with no garbage men to remove the ash it didn’t take long for this substance to coat everything. Several Unions and State agencies eventually sued Mobius. With court bills towering above him and an eventually bankruptcy on his horizon, things were not looking good for Mobius. That was until a man by the name of Graydon Stensdelson came along with another modification for the Trasher. It was groundbreaking and genius. Instead of taking the elements and completly incinerating them it would halt the process 2 thirds of the way through creating a liquid substance. This substance, he found, could be used for an alternate source of heat. Thus the StenCreasey ShredBrid Fueler was created in 2027. Mobius's problems were solved. The two men formed a life long friend ship that lasted just under two years, due to a horribly freakish accident involving RF scanners.
In late 2029 Mobius and Graydon were buried, niether of them fancied they idea of being cremated. Mainly because of the implecation. In 2031 the Union of Refuse workers won a 5-year battle and were able to make it necessary for anyone operating the fuelers, to be certified and part of the Union of Refuse.

I would have prefered that the corpus of the deceased business men were converted to fuel oil and used to light an eternal flame in their memory
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