Friday, December 16, 2005

The Biz Plan

So I took 3 hours last night and started a business plan for Sans Vie. Its funny but the plan may be as large as the script. After reviewing several message boards it looks like there are a lot of people trying to create and work out business plans and really have no idea how to put them together. I ‘m reading some good books and working my way through it. Writing one for a short is a bit harder then writing one for a feature. Eloise was fairly simple and straightforward Sans Vie may be a harder plan. Simply because distro for shorts is not as tangible for investors as features. Shorts really dont make money a person giving money to your short has to believe in the story, be able to drop 10k without sneezing and trust that you are going to complete the project. In the end I may not get a dime from investors but as long as I'm learning the process I'm happy. The attatchements are good. The script is finished save rewrites that will happen even up until post. I will log my progress for those interested in learning from my mistakes or laughing at them and as reference to myself as to what I have learned. The books I’m currently using as reference on Financing are:
Filmmakers & Financing by Louise Levison
The Independent Filmmakers Guide to Writing a Business Plan for Investors by Fred Olen Ray
Filmmakers and Financing seems to be the best fit for what I’m doing right now.

Hopefully my modem will be delivered today. If it is I will post some samples from the plan I’m creating. I have also long promised storyboards and have not delivered! I will, I will I just have to get my PC all cyber jacked up!
I also spoke with Dez last night about doing an art/music/Sansvie show in the end of January beginning of February this looks like it is going to be a very nice event, I just have to iron out all the details. She is also getting me a quote from her Welder friend Peter. Dez is very cool!


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