Kissing Jessica Stein meets Brazil
Well last night I took the plunge and emailed Heather Juergensen. We will see how that goes. For

In Kissing Jessica Stein. She co-wrote and co-produced the movie her latest work is in Fingers Walking a movie being filmed right here in Seattle,WA. After watching KJS I thought she might enjoy the story of Sans Vie. Granted they are worlds apart but ultimately have some similar qualities. In my business plan under like movies I put that Sans vie is Brazil meets Kissing Jessica Stein. This was not my intent when writing the story. I wanted more of an eraserhead meets masculine feminine. Ultimately I’m extremely happy with the outcome of the script and cannot wait to start shooting.
I started checking out seems like a nice site I would hate to move everything from here to there though. I like alot of the options on that
site though. I will pondicate on it.
On another note I talked with Patrice last night she is back in Kona and I will hook up with her about music and just saying hi when I hit the islands next month.
Quick update on burning copies of Merlot and Chaointe....
Merlot I have to recompile which is going to take a while and I will seriously start burning out copies of Chaointe. That is long overdue and apologize for the delay.
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