Lt. Pavel Chekov

I will try to make some checklists of what I want to do for the week and then see what I get done.
This week I want to mail out 10 copies of Merlot to festivals
Send Copies of Merlot out to Robert, Susan and family members that have been waiting patiently.
Find out if its ok to send alcohol in the mail.
Send a letter and a copy of merlot to Terry Gilliams Manager
Send a synopsis of the man of wonder to Eric Stoltz’s agent
Find out as much as I can about Vulcan studios
Have a final cut or very very close final cut of Chaointe sent to Richard Temple for sketches
Meet with Dez for Melissa’s Painting.
Add 5 more movies to my top 100 movie list will report back as to how things are going.
A couple notes:
Don't send alcohol as part of your press package. The expense you incur just to get it their safely far outweighs any value it'll play in getting your movie seen and accepted. It's a good bet the wine will go immediately into an intern's bag and never be seen, let alone so much as drunk, by an actual programmer.
As for Vulcan Productions, what do you want to know? They aren't hiring and only look at scripts that have a director, budget, business plan and name talent attached. And even then they are pretty particular with both projects and who they receive things from.
I thought so much about the booze just a thought. Vulcan seems interesting anything not in LA and within 500 miles. I just read an article on Hard Candy and my curiosity was sparked.
Dont let the naysayers stop you from trying. Get you meeting get your pitch in. Whats to loose?
Though I agree with the rather cynical view on the wine.
They only did not like his script. who's to say what they think of yours.
Man I just read my comment??? I meant to say That is what I thought about the booze. But it reads I was thinking alot about the booze. Maybe I should just drink the booze. Yes Pitching and Business plans are all good. That is why Iam interested in all Vulcan and other places is about. I am sure someone out there is interested in my 4 hour epic about the twinkie eating champion from McDonough Goergia who went on to become the Milk guzzling Grand Prize Winner in Mule Shoe Texas. Truly is an inspirational story.
To clarify, I've never submitted a script to Vulcan. My comments arise from conversations I have had with the various folks that work there, inquiring about internships, and also information direct on their site regarding how they accept material.
I did a lot of research about 4 months ago or so trying to find info on film companies locally. Companies making narrative films (not docs, not shorts, not animation, not commercials - but narrative feature theatrically-released films). The Puget Sound Business Journal has a lot of good past articles on the local film industry. The major "player" right now is Decathlon Films, headed by Rick Stevenson, Tom Skerrit and John Forsen. They just completed a film entitled Expiration Date. I don't know what their policy is on outside work, it seems they plan on taking stuff directly from students at the Film School, where a few of them teach and which they started a couple years ago. There's also the Film Company at NWFF.
Beyond that (sorry for the marathon comment) there's not much out there in terms of major film companies. Vulcan is indeed the largest locally.
Marathon away I have a lot to learn. I did meet Rick at a NWFF meeting he seems pretty nice. They also did RoadKill I havent seen either I should really check out the Puget sound Journal that is a good idea. Ok my english is kaput I have to sleep. Thanks for the comments
I have said it before and I'll say it again...Seattle is the absolute LAST place to be if you want to make feature films. Period. Go to LA or become a canadian and move to Vancouver. The Seattle mindset is too provincial to be serious about anything other then a nice place to setup office space while looking at LA scripts or harvesting from the happless students.
I have to post your article I will do it tonight. Its a good one.
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