Is Grimm just Bound?

This week in Matt's world of independent movies. I updated the merlot website with more pictures. Watched the rough cut of Chaointe again. Its getting close. I have had dialogue with Richard Temple about temp tracks. I am still trying to figure out exactly what that is but I think it’s a good idea. I know that probably makes no sense to anyone but me. I spoke with Sharon about wardrobe for Sans Vie and talked with two French musicians for soundtrack material. I also bought a bottle of smoking loon merlot and I am debating using it as a prop in my press kit for the next film festival I submit to. Trent has finished the crow and rabbit drawings for the opening of Chaointe and they are very cool. Iam gearing up to take a break from everything for a week and hang out play some video games and this upcoming Friday watch the Brothers Grimm. Matt Damon? I can only guess Terry is playing Hollywood to recover and then get back into the La Mancha Saddle again.
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