Everyday is a getting faster going faster then a rollar coaster
Yes! Eric and I have been working on the final rough cuts. Chaointe is super super super close. Its wierd not editing. I'm not a demanding person so its hard for me to ask for things. I think the best thing to do is look at it and just make a list of ways you think it would be better but at the same time be open for others feedback. When I edit I am in total control but I suck. Eric is great but the control is indirect its wierd. I think I suffer from mild OCD that is probably why its hard I had the same problem in music. At any rate he has been giving me cuts and I have been making a list of things that are in my head and it has been going smooth like buttah.

Richard Emailed me and temp tracks, whew. I don't have to buy a keyboard I just need to find music that I think sounds right. So I just bust out my abba CD or Neil Diamond(which by the way I have sung Neil Diamond Drunk on the streets of Reno with two very good friends a moment I think is wonderful in my life) so I grab my Tesla CD and find a song that I think fits. Easy Cheesy. Ha ha.
Reading the trade mags
I have been reading a ton of Filmmaker, Hollywood Reporter, and Variety I also finally registered as a IMDB pro user man I should have done that a year ago. I have burned 15 copies of Merlot. Today I plan on getting 15 press kits ready and sending 5 out to mags and 10 out to festivals. Wish me luck. I think like I said I suffer mild mild mild OCD but it really surfaces around mail. I don't like sending mail because I suck horribly at grammar and the content can aways be better. So I don't like mailing anything its so permanent.
I need to start making notes I almost forgot tip I picked up on. Submit your dialogue and your scripts to the assitant anything.... Assistant agent, producer, publicist. Because more then likely one day they want to be the big gun and if you find a good one to believe in early on then that makes things nicer for you. If I am wrong feel free to let me know.
The Abba heads look obsurdly large for the bodies.
Mama Mia...Here I go again..
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