Ok so I’m sick. But I did get some things done. I have my DVD Jackets. Man you have to give yourself so much time. Don’t think your going to just run down and get these things printed off while you wait. you have to wait 24 hours, that is of course unless you were born on a distant alien planet and

have super troubleshooting skills, along with charm powers, which I happen to have. YES! I circumvented the 24 hour wait and here I sit with my DVD jackets all pretty and in their cases. I’m all done loading Chaointe versions on the web for Richard to work from. Tonight I have to burn more copies of Merlot to put in my shiny new cases and mail them out. I have screened Chaointe with 3 people to get some reactions and so far everyone has liked it more then Merlot. Which makes no sense to me Merlot took longer so it has to be better right? The production values are definitely higher and the story is more straight forward. I think I just like confusing stories that have unanswered questions. Or do I?
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